Brad Powell

How to face your fear in front of the camera

How can you take your anxiety of doing video and whatever thing that’s holding you back and turn it into something that will actually make you show up with more confidence?

Here in this video are some tips to help you overcome the fear in front of the camera and start producing the best content you could only dream of.

When I was in high school I had this French teacher who used to make us sit in the same chair every class and then would use the text book to ask questions, one at a time, around the room – so you could look at the book and look at the order that the questions were being asked and know way ahead of time what question you were going to get – and whether or not you knew the answer. And for me, I frequently had no idea what the answer would be so I’d have to sit and sweat until my turn finally came and I’d have to stumble through some sort of incorrect response – in FRENCH – because the class didn’t allow you to speak English. UGH!! Ever since then I get triggered whenever I’m in a setting when I have to wait my turn to give some sort of introduction or presentation.

If you enjoyed this FREE content, I want you to know I’m able to go into so much more depth in my Big Reach Video program. In just 12 weeks you should expect to not only be able to turn out videos with confidence that make you look professional but that also are engaging enough to turn your viewers into your next new clients.