173. Why Great Coaching is Your Best Marketing Strategy in 2025
If you’re a coach or a consultant, how much time do you spend on marketing versus coaching?
Do you find yourself spending way too much time on social media, trying to create content that will maybe get noticed?
Or are you devoting too much time doing things like brainstorming content ideas and editing videos than doing what you’re actually great at—coaching
If that sounds familiar, you’ll likely to end up in an endless cycle of posts, reels, and DMs just to stay visible.
And the sad part is: it’s taking you away from the work you love most: helping people transform their lives through coaching.
So, there’s one thing I’m suggesting that you lean in on in the coming year that could make all the difference in how easily you can attract & convert new clients.
Clients that are exactly the right fit.
And it’s something that you can do easily – without adding anything to what you’re already doing.
I’m giving you the answer in this week’s episode.
But if you want to go deeper then I’m doing a special masterclass called
‘The Coaching as marketing Blueprint’
This training isn’t about adding more to your plate.
It’s a virtual training that will help you turn your coaching into your most powerful marketing tool.
It’s about letting your coaching—the thing you’re already amazing at—become your most powerful marketing tool.
To register just go to Awesomevideomakers.com/blueprint
See you there!
Brad Powel:
here’s my number one business growth prediction for the new year. Okay, but first, I admit I am not a futurist. I don’t really know what’s going to happen, but after doing this show and after so many interviews with really smart people, and after working with all the clients that I’ve been working with, I’ve learned a lot about what’s working and what’s not working, and how you can stand apart from the crowd, and there’s one thing that I’m suggesting that you lean in on in the coming year. This one thing could make all the difference in how easily you can attract and convert new clients, clients that are exactly the right fit, and it’s something that you can do without adding anything to what you’re already doing. Sound good. So stay tuned, because that’s what I’m talking about today, to help bring in a new year.
Brad Powel:
Welcome to the Standout Business Show, where it’s all about making a bigger difference by doing business differently. I’m Brad Powell, your Standout Business Coach, and today, here’s the mega trend that I want to talk about. There is huge momentum towards being authentic, and that is showing up as a human being. More than ever, people know that they want to do business with people, and the question is well, how do you do that? How do you get there? If you’re a coach or a consultant, how do you present yourself as a regular human and avoid all the different traps of showing up in a more corporate, business-y type of way? Well, I’m going to give you part of the answer in today’s episode, but if you want to go deeper, then I’m also doing a special masterclass called the Coaching as Marketing Blueprint, and this is going to be on January 23rd and 24th. It’s a live virtual training that will help you turn your coaching into your most powerful marketing tool. So if you’re interested in that, just go register at awesomevideomakerscom.
Brad Powel:
Slash blueprint. Slash blueprint, all right. So where do we start? The two main questions to ask yourself are what do you want to sell and who do you want to attract? And this applies particularly if you’re a coach or a consultant, because you solve real world problems for people and when you sit down with them and you walk them through your process and actually help solve their problem, that is super valuable and it’s your genius. It’s easy for you. You don’t have to come up with new ideas. Easy for you, you don’t have to come up with new ideas. Your clients they come to you with an issue and they ask you questions. You ask them questions and then you respond with your magic and that makes great content. You can do your coaching and your coaching can become some of your very best content.
Brad Powel:
So think of long form coaching content. People will see your genius and then they’re going to want to work with you. You can either recruit current clients to come and do a recording session with you, or you can ask people from your audience to apply and do a free recorded session and then you could turn all of this into a podcast series. You could do it a set of live streams, or you could have a YouTube channel, or you could do all three. If you have a landing page for your offer, you can put the very best video of you coaching someone and giving them a transformation and put that on the page. And giving them a transformation and put that on the page. This converts really well. This is so much better than information content all the information that people want to find. It’s already out there. People want to know what it’s like to work with you and you can actually show them how good you are.
Brad Powel:
Now I know what you may be thinking how can I be sure that I’m showing up in the right way. Don’t I have to make my videos perfect? Don’t I need high production value? Don’t I need the right outfit? Do I need to put on makeup? Okay, well, let’s go back to that very first question I asked, and that is who do you want to attract? And then think of someone like Mel Robbins, and if you don’t know Mel Robbins, go search for her. She’s got a terrific TED Talk. She is all over the internet and that sometimes, when you see her online, she is highly produced. She actually has a television program, but sometimes she’s just sitting in her taxi or she’s just waking up or she’s sharing some fresh thought, and she’s always super authentic. And, by the way, she does a lot of coaching content. In fact, she’s got an entire audiobook that is all just her coaching other people, long form coaching.
Brad Powel:
So let’s do a quick review.
Brad Powel:
You’re already doing this. You’re out there doing coaching. So this is really no extra work and it’s evergreen. You put it out there, it’s going to last is really no extra work and it’s evergreen. You put it out there, it’s going to last a long time and it becomes your evergreen thought leadership. So just imagine that you’re no longer stuck on this endless gerbil wheel of social media posting and being a slave to the algorithm. And you’re coaching clients, you’re doing what you love, and those same sessions are attracting more dream clients to you, on a kind of autopilot. And then people reach out to you not because of some trendy posts that you put up, but because they’ve already experienced the value of your coaching through your marketing.
Brad Powel:
All right, sound interesting? Well, here’s my invitation Join my Coaching as Marketing Blueprint, because it’s going to help you get to a place where marketing is going to become really easy. It’s going to be natural and aligned with the work that you are so passionate about. It’s happening on January 23rd, january 24th. It’s two days. It’s actually two 90-minute trainings each day and there’s not a webinar, there’s going to be no pitch, it’s an actual training. I’m going to take you from point A to point Z and when you attend both sessions, you’re also getting a one-on-one feedback session with me showing the work you’ve done. To register, just go to awesomevideomakerscom slash blueprint. I’ll put that in the show notes and I’ll say it one more time Awesomevideomakerscom slash blueprint.
Brad Powell:
I hope to see you there and that’s what I have for you today. Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll see you
Brad Powell:
above the center of attention. But I’m not. I wish I didn’t have to give in to the pressure. I’m posting pictures trying to be someone I’m not. It feels just like I’m lying to you. I’m faking, staging, trying to live some perfect life. I know I’m wasting time, cause I just wanna call my friends and See what they’re doing tonight. It doesn’t have to be so special. I try to be myself, you do the same, and we’ll be alright, cause this pressure’s really bringing me down. I wish I had the guts to start a conversation with someone. Just be who. I am.
Brad Powell:
Not care so much about first impressions, cause I got a feeling that it could be great. Skip all the acts, stop playing games, maybe rip in and then rip me and tell you my name. Yeah, I got a feeling that it could be great. Skip all the acts, stop playing games. I just wanna call my friends and see what they’re doing tonight. It doesn’t have to be so special. I try to be myself. You do the same, it will be alright, cause this pressure’s really bringing me down. Na na na, na, na na na. I wish I was above the center of attention, but I’m not. I wish I didn’t have to give in to the pressure, cause I just wanna call my friends and see what they’re doing tonight. It doesn’t have to be so special. I try to be myself. If do the same, I will be alright, cause this pressure’s really bringing me down.