PJ Taei

11. Making Money With Your Live Videos – with PJ Taei

With the rise of social media and proliferation of smartphones, video content has become a staple in the digital age.

According to global research company eMarketer, 60% of internet users watch videos every day. So, if you’re a video content creator and you want to grow your business using video, how can you monetize all those videos that you’re posting?

Hint: Youtube may not be the best answer.

Today’s guest, PJ Taei, has taken on this challenge and built a video platform, called Uscreen, that’s enabled thousands of creators to host streaming video content, that viewers can pay for, either on demand or live.

Join us live as we take a deep dive into what it takes to set up and launch your own Netflix-like video platform to take your live video creation to the next level. 

Stay tuned for some of the most effective ways to monetize your videos and generate a sustainable income from them.

Join Uscreen

If you’re inspired by PJ’s story and now you’re thinking of launching your own live video channel, reach out to me. I’d be happy to get on a call with you to hear about your vision and we can map out a strategy that could work for your project.

Go ahead and schedule a time to chat right here!

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